SMPL is an all-in-one CRM and E-Marketing Platform that is highly customizable to your business' sales process or pipeline. SMPL provides you with a dedicated database and a whole suite of tools to assist in all aspects of running your business, which is accessible from virtually any device.
We start off by connecting to your existing website, or building/hosting a new site for you. Once connected, form submissions go directly into your SMPL System and are placed into your sales cycle, with those who have expressed interest in your services pushed to the front of the line. Your clients and leads are auto-sorted for easy access using your customized data and fields, and can be easily filtered and segmented into lists for marketing or follow-ups.
AJWilder is a team of seasoned SaaS programmers who believe getting the most out of a CRM system shouldn't require a degree in database management. Nor should your process be forced into someone else's idea of how you should conduct your business.
"Keep It Simple"